Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. patricks day

My mother let me stay home for st. Patrick's day like she does every year. My mom and dad are both immigrants from Ireland who love their country. We were going to go visit our grandparents in queens like we always do. When we arrived there many cars were parked all over the block. I recognized all the cars, i was happy to see my aunts car because i knew she had brought my favorite cousin Jason. We get out the car and i get ready to do the worst part of going to my family parties and that is saying hi to all my relatives and listen to them as they tell me how much they missed me and how Ive grown since we last met. After I'm done greeting, hugging, kissing and making small talk with all my family members i go to Jason. He and I stay together in all these family parties and stay away from the adults. Jason had brought his soccer ball "wanna play outside asked Jason." Jason and i saw our little cousin walking towards us. we knew he wanted to play by the look he had on his face. Jason and i didn't want to play with him because he cries for everything then complaints to our aunt may. Every party we hide from him or do something he isn't allowed to do like watching a horror movie that way we avoid him. I whispered to Jason "oh man here comes joey." Jason knew what just to say to Joey that we we get away from him. Jason told him we were going to go meet up with some girls to play with, Joey was still in the stage where he believed girls had cooties so he stayed home. "nice." i said to Jason as we walked out the door away from our crazy loud and drunk relatives. We felt kind of bad for Joey but not bad enough to actually bring him with us out of pity, nothings worth hearing him cry and getting us in trouble with our aunt when he makes up a story. Jason and i played soccer at the park down the block from our grandparents house. Jason was good at soccer, way better than me. As we played we talked, we spoke about school, movies, video games, music and of coarse girls. We played for about an hour then headed back to our grandparents, when we arrived everyone was drunk, and lucky for us joey had fallen a sleep in our grandparents room.

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