Monday, April 6, 2009

The Beast

The beast wasn't a terrible book it just wasn't really good, and since i don't like to read i cant read a book that isn't amazing. When i read its only because i have to so if I'm being forced to do something i don't really like to do it has to be a book better than average. The story was actually very interesting but i just found it boring and slow. It was about a man who gets out of jail and returns to his old Harlem neighborhood to find that everyone he use to love and care for has grown up to become either a drug dealer or a drug addict. He learned a lot during his years in jail and decided to try to fix and clean the streets with what he knows from his experience. He went to jail for dealing too so he doesnt want his close ones to make the same mistake as he did so that they dont have to go through what he went through and learn the hard way. I decided to pick up another book when i realized the story wasnt really that hard to predict and everything i was reading i felt like i already read before. I read two other books by walter dean meyers and this one was my least favorite only because it wasnt as exiting as the others.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Monster by Walter Dean Myers is about 19 year old Steve Harmon, who is on trial for murder while he is kept in prison. To keep himself from losing his mind Steve writes a fictional character who is also on trial. He writes his story as a screenplay and writes letters to himself about every day in prison. I really enjoyed this book because it was very realistic, intense, interesting and touching. My favorite thing about the book is the way he describes being in jail and when he speaks about his feelings. One of the quotes i like is when he says that he is a good person, he knows that deep inside but when you are in jail no one will ever know that. People will always just look at you as a criminal and will always judge you by the mistake you made. One thing i learned from this book is that we should always let people speak and explain themselves before we make a judgement. I learned this because Steve says that the worst part about being on trial is the fact that you don't matter at all, the case is about you but you have no say at all or cant make any decisions, you are just the subject while two sides argue and come up with something to do to you that will affect the rest of your life. I really enjoyed this book but i really didn't like the way it was written, it was sort of like a play but not really because it was more confusing to know whose speaking and who's who. The story was very interesting but the way it is written is very frustrating to read.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Why do we read?

people mostly read to learn or entertain themselves, personally i only read when i have to. It would be a lot easier for me to write why don't people read since i hate reading but Just like i have to read, i have to write about why people do read. I think people that like to read probably either don't have a television or they rather make up their own pictures in their heads of the story. I can imagine why they would rather visualize things themselves because they get to make up their own movie basically, but that requires too much thinking and i hate thinking. I think the main purpose of reading is to learn, even if a book is fictional and isn't suppose to be about learning you always learn something new after read. People may also read so that they can kill time, time goes by pretty fast when you read. Out of the books that i have read in the past the ones i like the most are the ones that i can relate to and i think many people would agree with me on that. Reading does have some benefits though, If it wasn't for reading we wouldn't be able to pass information, news and stories to each other. If history wasn't writ en and read, the information would be changed and inaccurate if we relied on telling each other by talking. It is better we write things down so it can be passed down to future generations. As much as i hate reading I'd be lying if i didn't say the world would be chaos if we didn't read.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. patricks day

My mother let me stay home for st. Patrick's day like she does every year. My mom and dad are both immigrants from Ireland who love their country. We were going to go visit our grandparents in queens like we always do. When we arrived there many cars were parked all over the block. I recognized all the cars, i was happy to see my aunts car because i knew she had brought my favorite cousin Jason. We get out the car and i get ready to do the worst part of going to my family parties and that is saying hi to all my relatives and listen to them as they tell me how much they missed me and how Ive grown since we last met. After I'm done greeting, hugging, kissing and making small talk with all my family members i go to Jason. He and I stay together in all these family parties and stay away from the adults. Jason had brought his soccer ball "wanna play outside asked Jason." Jason and i saw our little cousin walking towards us. we knew he wanted to play by the look he had on his face. Jason and i didn't want to play with him because he cries for everything then complaints to our aunt may. Every party we hide from him or do something he isn't allowed to do like watching a horror movie that way we avoid him. I whispered to Jason "oh man here comes joey." Jason knew what just to say to Joey that we we get away from him. Jason told him we were going to go meet up with some girls to play with, Joey was still in the stage where he believed girls had cooties so he stayed home. "nice." i said to Jason as we walked out the door away from our crazy loud and drunk relatives. We felt kind of bad for Joey but not bad enough to actually bring him with us out of pity, nothings worth hearing him cry and getting us in trouble with our aunt when he makes up a story. Jason and i played soccer at the park down the block from our grandparents house. Jason was good at soccer, way better than me. As we played we talked, we spoke about school, movies, video games, music and of coarse girls. We played for about an hour then headed back to our grandparents, when we arrived everyone was drunk, and lucky for us joey had fallen a sleep in our grandparents room.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

How to become a professional ping pong player

Table tennis, also known as ping pong, is a sport in which two or four players hit a small light weighted ball back and forth over a net. The game takes place on a hard table divided by a net. Players must allow a ball played toward them only one bounce on their side of the table and must return it so that it bounces on the opposite side. Points are scored when a player fails to return the ball within the rules. How do you become a professional in such a sport? To play a game like this you need to think fast, be precise, calculate you're hits and of coarse keep you're eye on the ball. The saying "practice makes perfect" implies to this sport more than any other. The more you play table tennis the better you get. The longer you play it the more you get use to returning the ball because you have seen every hit the other player makes, you learn from you're mistakes such as hitting the ball too hard or too soft. It wont be too difficult to get good at a game like this because it is very addicting and very fun so you never want to stop playing and like i mentioned before the more you play the better you get. First you must learn the rules which isn't hard, then you play until you get the hang of it, then once you start to master it and have long rallies with you're buddy you can start to practice things such as spikes or good serves. The best thing about ping pong other than its fun is that it makes you feel good when you impress with you're skills, you're opponent, the people watching and most importantly yourself.